Chantal Della Concetta picture Hot Mantan Metro TV Presenter

Photo Shur Chantal Della Concetta In FHM Magazine - Former television news anchor who was poor across the Metro TV and RCTI, Chantal Della Concetta, surprising many in the party after a courageous pose special magazine man, FHM (For Him Magazine).

Although controversial, women born in Bandung, July 27, 1980, nonchalant. In a number of tweets, he replied to some comments about the pose in the magazine.

In an interview in FHM, the mother of two children, each named Nathaniel Trevor Peach Blue Blue and Mazel, reveals many things, including sex, boyfriend, and also her breasts.

When questioned about the most sexy body part, Chantal replied collarbone. "For the sexy woman did not have her boobs ngelihatin. A lot of other things that sexy but hidden," he said. In the interview, too, Chantal added that since junior high, her breasts are often the subject of ridicule for being too big. However, based on the results of the comparison photos as she became a newsreader on television and p ose sexy in FHM, cukupn seen significant changes.

Chantal Della Concetta news presenter respond to light about the photos section is now busy talking. Not many comments were submitted as clarification about the photographs in the magazine FHM.

No comment about the pictures. I thought it was mediocre deh. Only my friends who raise the media, I'm tired asked it. That photo was taken in March. I do not want to talk this matter," said Chantal Della Concetta when contacted by phone on Wednesday (05/04/2011)

Chantal also refused to respond when asked about the many oblique comments from the public. He said it came to him a lot of positive comments. If it appears that negative, just dicuekin only.

The hell, comments that come to me it is just fine deh. If there was an ugly, yes ajah ignore," he said. Chantal surprised many fans after the widely circulated photos sexy mother of 2 children is brave enough to pose for adult men's magazine, FHM

EMH ..! emang money can do everything, WTF Photo above with hammer, perhaps because of the hammer in the model had to be exciting(just kidding).

yap that's if everything that is good until corrupted by something that makes us think like the following article When Women Seeking Income Selling Body And Her beauty DNG And the victim of a good thing so bad happens also to the omen of this nation hope Pratistha Photo Shur Agni Putri Indonesia "HOT" and also Qory Sandioriva Hijab and bikini "Gaswat" and the results they were not in demand over time, how not everyone already seen their true nature behind the good things in themselves, really kasian.semua it back again on the self of each judge .. KOPLAK