Hot Photos Shyarini Vulgar & Nudity Supply Area

Petite singer Aisyahrani Shyarini and sister had to hold my breath, because this time has appeared a little vulgar photographs both of which have now been circulated widely on the Internet.

In the photo which amounts to approximately four pieces that contained a number of artists famous singers like Barry Manilow and presenters Daniel Mananta.

In one photo the woman looks like syahrini by wearing blue clothes, sleeping on your back on the bed with a seductive position

While on the other photo, Glenn Fredly syahrini embraced, then the other photo syahrini embraced by three men and three men from one of Daniel Mananta.

Not to forget the photo looks like her sister Aisyahrani hot kissing each other with a man.

Related to this, when about to be confirmed Aisyahrani reporters Saturday (14/05/2011) via cell phone, not appointed.